Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally Here!!

Wow after three long flights and two long layovers (and some airport problems) we finally made it to Lisbon. We pretty much just jumped out and onto the first city bus we saw and cruised around downtown Lisboa. It instantly felt very similar to Brasil and it was great speaking in Portuguese again. The accent here is a lot different and so sometimes people will not understand me. I have been working to convert my accent so that this doesnt happen but weºll see after today. So we jumped on a train and head out to the beach town Cascais. Danny is responsible for showing those pics so donºt let him forget. We spent the night walking around the small beach town. It was pretty chill, pretty freaking awesome. Today we are off to downtown Lisbon and then out to the coast at Sintra later in the day. Have fun!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We made it to Lisbon and even found each other in the airport! amazing. we got to the hostel, which is in cascais, a small beach town outside of lisbon. will post pictures soon (facebook probably). the weather is great, the people are nice (and tan...) and life is good. were going out on the town tonight (me and james, because scott is dead tired and passed out from jet lag). tomorrow we will be in the lisbon center after a morning on the gorgeous beach. stay tuned; more to come!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Pre-Travel Day (Scott)

Holy cow the time has finally come. It's 10:20 at night and I am still not packed! I have two huge assignments that have to be finished by the time I leave tomorrow so I suspect its going to be a long night. Last night we spent several hours hashing out the final details so we now have a solid itinerary for the next two and a half weeks. Everyone should know that we can be reached at the following international mobile +447924463806. We get free voice mail so anyone who wants to drop a message just call. Danny James and I all take off from Salt Lake on different planes tomorrow. James and I will meet up in Paris for the last leg of the trip to Bela Lisboa but Danny will end up sitting in the Lisbon airport for a couple of hours before we get there. The plan is to head straight to the beach! So see ya'll later!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Leaving Tuesday

So I leave Tuesday morning from Salt Lake City airport at 6:40 am, for DC then from there to London and eventually to Lisbon. Scott and James are arriving sometime in the afternoon of the 11th, several hours after me. This is the beginning of an epic trip! Suggestions are welcomed...keep reading for updates! Love you all
- Danny